Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What a week!

What a week!  Or what a few days, at least!  So many things have happened in the last few days, that it's hard to believe the week isn't even over yet!  Let me share what's been going on......

Saturday we finished up some last minute details at The Learning Center, in preparation for an incoming mission team; picked up donated site to store nursery gear at Walmart; and cooked up some tasty dishes for Sunday's potluck (always the 2nd Sunday).

Sunday started VERY early for some of us. (OK, only Wayne!  Someone HAD to watch the sleeping babies.)  He helped welcome in this Week's Mission Team from Tate Springs Baptist Church in Arlington, TX.  That was around 12AM or so.  I have to be honest and say I have no idea when they got here!  Up early to finish cooking and off to Sunday School followed by an amazing worship service.  Teen Challenge helped lead the service with both testimonies and songs.

Monday was a typically busy Monday.  We had school, went to The Learning Center for afterschool program, had a short break for supper, just long enough for BOTH #1 AND #2 to be SAVED!!!!!! (At McDonald's, no less)  And headed BACK to The Learning Center to do childcare for kids of those attending adult bible studies.

Tuesday was another school day.  Wayne headed North to pick up some donated ceiling tiles for the team to install, while the kids and I went back to TLC for other assorted activities. Then back home to celebrate our sweet baby #4's 1st birthday.  He was really not impressed with the festivities at all.  I think he was scared when we sang to him-we aren't the best vocalists!  (Hang in there, the pictures are coming.....wait for them....wait for them....)

Wednesday, we had school......again!  (I am such a mean mom!)  Listened to stories and did crafts at the library, helped organize clothing and hygiene closets, went to TLC, and will teach evening classes at church-Mission Friends for Sara and Youth for Wayne.  Another busy day!

All this to say there has been a whole lot of missions going on down here!  Here are some pictures-in no particular order...


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