Monday, July 22, 2013

God is SO Good!

God is SO good!  For real.  Let me just tell you a FEW of the ways HE has shown himself this week. 
Wayne took a group of youth to Centrifuge this week, and one of our students accepted Christ as her Savior!

Since my sister was on her way to a new nursing gig in North Carolina, she stopped by to visit for a WEEK!!!  YAY sister/first-friend time!
Our mission teams this week were able to share the gospel and TWO students accepted Jesus as their SAVIOR!


TWO community members prayed to accept Jesus while church members from Crossroads Community Baptist Church  prayed with them at the laundry mat through our laundry-mat ministry, AND ANOTHER at the Lord' s Café!!!  Then after Sunday morning worship, another young woman was added to the Kingdom!  Praise the LORD!
HE was also busy answering prayers and working through the Construction ministry taking place at the Learning Center.  I mentioned that it would be great if we had a counter-top, and WA-LA!  Within 10 minutes, two of the men had measured the space and were leaving for the hardware store!  They were SO fast!  Here's a picture of what it looked like before.....

And after........

Another group of workers were busy mudding and sanding our future shower rooms..........

We also had the opportunity to host a vision clinic, where over 60 people were able to have their eyes screened.  Reading glasses were available if needed, and for those with more serious needs were given vouchers for a FREE eye exam AND glasses!

So, have you noticed how many times I've CAPITALIZED words and added extra !!!!!'s ? 
 God is SO GOOD!  I love to see him working!
For those of you who "read" this for pictures of my kids-here they are-last but not least....
da da duh da!

#1 wouldn't cooperate, so she has to share her picture with #'s 2 and 3.
Thanks for reading!


Monday, July 15, 2013

What's happening in Kentucky?

This morning I am reflecting on last weeks activities, I'm overwhelmed by the ways that God is at work around me.  And even more overwhelming is that HE is allowing the Stoll's to take part in it.  As I was spending time with the Lord this morning, I was reading about David.  2 Samuel 7:18 says King David went in and sat before the LORD, an he said: "Who am I, O Soverign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?"  I completely understand how David felt!  We are not any more special or any better equipped to serve HIM, yet here we are.  It's so amazing to me that God has brought us this far, both physically and spiritually.  Let me share some of what's been happening

We had a great week at day camp.  The kids had a ton of fun playing.  We have really had a neat opportunity to serve foster families in the area.  Several students at our camp are in foster care but because of the HUGE need for foster families, are not able to be placed together.  They can all attend our camp together and are able to see and love on each other here at Crossroads. (For privacy reasons, their pictures are not shown, but here are some of the other kids who also attend.)

Wayne has been working on adding an addition to the back of The Lord's Café.  A screened porch has been added to the back.  It will be a huge help for our different ministries.  Here's a picture of what it looks like:
Here are a few pictures of what we've been using it for: 
FREE hair cuts,

FREE car seats and installation, One grandparent told us that she was so thankful to receive a car seat, because she had just been carrying her infant grandchild in her arms while driving.  Her sweet grandbaby is now safe when traveling- Praise the Lord for providing!

AND sometimes we fill it with tables full of FREE food and clothes.
Wayne has also been busy gardening, planting and maintaining, a garden full of produce to give away.  He IS a professional, so he's doing pretty well with that! We are looking forward to fresh
veggies to share with the community.  IF we have extras, we may have a canning class.  Who ever thought I would teach that?! LOL
I've been helping at day camp and working with my Mission Friend class on Wednesday nights.  They are a fun group of kids.  We always have at least 2 (since 2 live with me!) and have had as many as 12!  Here are some pictures of them:

And when we get a chance, we explore the area with our new friends and family.  Here are some pictures of family fun:


Are these kids cute, or what?
We aren't quite as cute as the younger Stolls, but here's a picture of the adult Stolls.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back in Kentucky

So, it's been a while since our last blog.  I was going to do a quick catch up of the last few MONTHS (oops), but to be honest, I don't remember EVERYTHING we've been doing.   So, let me tell you what we've been doing THIS week.......

Crossroads Community Baptist Church has been blessed this week by two amazing mission teams!  Teams from Clairmont Hills Baptist Church and Lutz FBC have been so busy this week!

They have been working at the Lord's Café......


Working on our future shower room.....


Entertaining at Horizon's Adult Day Care....



Running our kids day camp.....

Look at these cuties! (#1 & #2)

And even doing home repairs in the community!

A whole lot of serving the Lord!

Please continue to pray for us as we serve Jesus in McCreary County!

Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.Psalm 2:10-12

Friday, March 29, 2013

It's been a while.....

So.  Let me catch you up on what's been happening in the last few weeks.  I want to tell you what happened last week, but honestly.....  I can't remember! :)  That old saying about not being able to remember what I ate for breakfast really is a good representation of my entire life! 

I DO remember this week, so let's talk about that..... 

In honor of Holy Week, The Learning Center (TLC) was closed.  It snowed a bit and school was cancelled, so the kids wouldn't have made it everyday, anyway.  The Stoll kids don't get to enjoy snow days with homeschooling, so our house was business as usual. 

We had meetings and Bible Study on Monday, followed by a birthday party for one of Wayne's youth at church that evening.  It was Michael's 15th birthday and he shared pizza, cake and ice cream.  Sadly, he LOST a pizza-eating contest with Wayne.  I tried to warn him that he was under-estimating Wayne's eating ability, but you know teenagers..........  We had a great time and the kids were in hog heaven, scarfing down pizza and trying out a new-to-us ice cream, called "Superman."

Tuesday we were able to just hang out at home and enjoy the snow.....from indoors.  To our Missouri friends, this snow is NOTHING like in Missouri.  It falls fast and furious.... and disappears.  No snow forts here. :(
Wednesday, Wayne helped others from our church prepare a Seder Meal at The Lord's Café.  Our church family joined together that evening to share in a sweet time of fellowship and a better glimpse into the Passover Meal.  Here are a few pics...

Here are a few things that happened at the Seder Meal that you will NOT find pictures of....  #4 choking on a pretzel.....Wayne standing up to read while holding #4 as #4 pukes up his meal (no sickness, just an AWFUL gag reflex)..... and of course the unlimited number of  beverages that were spilled during the 2 hour meal.  We did NOT burn anything down, which was a real fear of mine, so victory was ours!

Thursday was also exciting..... Wayne is often the source of adventure in my life, and yesterday was no exception.  He sent me on an errand, but forgot the name of the place I needed to go to.  Oddly enough it was in "WAYNE" county, so every store we went to started with his name! lol  After several misses, we finally found the right place and headed home.  Or so I thought!  Directions have never been something I'm good at, so it took quite a while before I realized we had entered a different time zone and were actually going the opposite direction of where I had hoped.  In all honesty, I would have just kept on driving, as I was not paying close attention to my surroundings, had it not been for my co-pilot recognizing or NOT recognizing the city names on signs.

Friday afternoon we are having a Easter clothing give-away, sponsored by Crossroads Community Baptist Church

Saturday will be held preparing for Resurrection Day and the arrival of a new mission team.

Sunday we are looking forward to celebrating the Resurrection Day!!  We are filled with joy that "We Serve A Risen Savior!"  Take time to experience the JOY that only Jesus can give and know that HE LIVES!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What a week!

What a week!  Or what a few days, at least!  So many things have happened in the last few days, that it's hard to believe the week isn't even over yet!  Let me share what's been going on......

Saturday we finished up some last minute details at The Learning Center, in preparation for an incoming mission team; picked up donated site to store nursery gear at Walmart; and cooked up some tasty dishes for Sunday's potluck (always the 2nd Sunday).

Sunday started VERY early for some of us. (OK, only Wayne!  Someone HAD to watch the sleeping babies.)  He helped welcome in this Week's Mission Team from Tate Springs Baptist Church in Arlington, TX.  That was around 12AM or so.  I have to be honest and say I have no idea when they got here!  Up early to finish cooking and off to Sunday School followed by an amazing worship service.  Teen Challenge helped lead the service with both testimonies and songs.

Monday was a typically busy Monday.  We had school, went to The Learning Center for afterschool program, had a short break for supper, just long enough for BOTH #1 AND #2 to be SAVED!!!!!! (At McDonald's, no less)  And headed BACK to The Learning Center to do childcare for kids of those attending adult bible studies.

Tuesday was another school day.  Wayne headed North to pick up some donated ceiling tiles for the team to install, while the kids and I went back to TLC for other assorted activities. Then back home to celebrate our sweet baby #4's 1st birthday.  He was really not impressed with the festivities at all.  I think he was scared when we sang to him-we aren't the best vocalists!  (Hang in there, the pictures are coming.....wait for them....wait for them....)

Wednesday, we had school......again!  (I am such a mean mom!)  Listened to stories and did crafts at the library, helped organize clothing and hygiene closets, went to TLC, and will teach evening classes at church-Mission Friends for Sara and Youth for Wayne.  Another busy day!

All this to say there has been a whole lot of missions going on down here!  Here are some pictures-in no particular order...